Estancia Los Talas (Lujan - Pcia de Bs As)

A few kilometres from Buenos Aires, in the middle of the Pampa, is an unimaginable place under this latitude: an old masonry of almost 2 centuries, kept by the same family which bought it in 1824. Its walls perspire the moisture of a vegetation which hiding place it covetousness of a world uncultivated and disrespectful of the treasures that it locks up: tables, sculptures without price, of tens of thousands of works dating, for some of XVIe century.
Only some scholars, come by far know the existence of it, and presented like estancia, it opens to some tourists who will have discovered it by chance. It is our case. To preserve its secrecy (and its safety), you will understand that we do not say any more...

Estancia Los Talas
(00 54) 23 2349-4995

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